Can Drinking Coffee Help You Cool Down in the Summer?
During the Summer, Who Drinks Hot Coffee? We Sure Do!
You may be thinking, "How can I drink hot coffee in the summer!?" While many of us love coffee so much that we'll drink it every day regardless of the weather, it does seem strange to drink a hot beverage when it's hot outside. But is this truly a bad idea?
In fact, there is some evidence that drinking hot beverages while it's hot outside can really cool you down, possibly more effectively than cold beverages. Just look at hotter countries and the drinks they drink; you'll notice that many of them take it hot, and for good cause.
So, before you grab that cold brew or add ice cubes to your espresso, consider these summer coffee facts.
Why do People Drink Hot Coffee When it's Hot?
Hot coffee can actually help you keep cool for the same reason that a good workout might sweat. Sweat is the body's natural air conditioner. Its job is to keep you cool, which is why activity causes you to sweat.
That liquid on your skin effectively takes away heat and cools your body, and drinking hot coffee stimulates those same sweat glands, so drinking the stuff can actually cool you off. Of course, not everyone enjoys sweating, so if remaining dry is a necessity or if you're already sweaty, stick with your favourite iced coffee or cold brew.
Is Hot Coffee Enough to get me Through the Day?
Another benefit of drinking hot coffee in the summer is the caffeine boost that it provides. Because hot water extracts more coffee from the coffee bean, hot coffee is more likely to provide you with the caffeine boost you've been needing.
Hot coffee has also been found to have higher levels of antioxidants than cold brew, making it slightly healthier.
If you've been wondering why your cold coffee drinks aren't giving you the same rush as your hot coffee drinks, this is most likely the cause.
But Won't Caffeine Dehydrate you?
You may have heard that coffee is a diuretic, which causes you to lose water, making you more susceptible to dehydration in the summer. This is only partly true. Remember that coffee also contains a lot of water, so you're replacing a significant amount of the water you might lose.
Caffeine has been shown in studies to have a diuretic effect in some people, but not all. In fact, individuals who are more active are less likely to suffer this diuretic effect.
In terms of coffee and fitness, research has demonstrated that moderate caffeine consumption does not necessarily have a negative impact on the ability to exercise in heat. While you may not want to bring a travel mug of coffee with you on your run, a cup or two of hot coffee before or after exercise should be fine and may even help you stay cool.
The Final Word on Coffee in the Summer
Finally, because coffee contains water, it can cool you down, whether you drink it hot or cold. If you've already broken a sweat, it's time to relax with some iced coffee or cold brew. If you're overheated but not sweating, a hot cup of coffee can quickly cool you down.
Caffeine, on the other hand, can cause you to pass some of that water more rapidly, although not always, especially for busy people. Furthermore, most people should be able to handle a cup or two of hot coffee.
brüud offers a wide range of artisan and speciality coffees to enjoy hot or cold this summer, as well as a variety of home brew products to make your favourite drinks.